Airtable Use Cases

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Sunnyvale, CA
Company size
Social Media
Increase in referrals to their startup partnership program
6 hours
Saved each week

LinkedIn + Airtable


LinkedIn's Senior Research Program Manager, Sarah Sgarlato Pierini, faced the daunting task of organizing inclusive research efforts efficiently. Initially tracked in Google Sheets, the manual creation of project numbers led to human errors and difficulties in locating critical research data.


Sarah identified Airtable as a potential solution and explored its capabilities. Leveraging the autonumber field, she automated the generation of unique project numbers, eliminating duplications and organizing research data effectively. What began as a project tracking system evolved into a comprehensive research repository.


Implementing Airtable revolutionized LinkedIn's research operations. The platform enabled tracking the lifecycle of each project, from intake to completion, and facilitated self-service information retrieval through status forms. Automations streamlined data entry and accountability, providing executives with real-time metrics and drastically reducing reporting time. This newfound efficiency empowered Sarah to compile research summaries reliably, accelerating decision-making and team growth.
Seattle, WA
Company size
Sales Enablement
Increase in referrals to their startup partnership program
4 hours
Saved each week

Highspot + Airtable


Highspot, a booming sales enablement platform, struggled with inefficient planning due to outdated tools like Google Sheets. Their expanding team and complex projects made it difficult to manage multiple releases, keep everyone on the same page, and maintain a clear view of product roadmaps.


To tackle these challenges, Devon Bennetts, a senior leader at Highspot, introduced Airtable. This user-friendly platform offered the flexibility they needed to experiment with different approaches and adapt quickly. Airtable provided a dynamic space for tracking product features, unifying terminology, and encouraging open communication across teams.


Airtable transformed Highspot's planning process and collaboration. Personalized views and a built-in scoring system streamlined planning and progress tracking. This allowed executives to stay informed about upcoming features, while go-to-market teams could prepare effectively. Additionally, Airtable's linking capabilities connected product features to strategic goals, ensuring everyone was aligned throughout development. By reducing manual tasks and freeing up time for core development activities, Airtable empowered teams and boosted overall productivity and satisfaction.
San Francisco, CA.
Company size
Customer Service
Increase in referrals to their startup partnership program
2 hours
Saved each week

Zendesk + Airtable


Zendesk's Startup Customer Acquisition team, led by Brad Bowery, lacked visibility into their referral sources and struggled to identify high-quality startups for their program. Without proper tracking mechanisms, they risked missing out on valuable opportunities and lacked insights into their customer base.


Bowery leveraged Airtable to import data from spreadsheets, integrate it with Zendesk, and develop a custom application for startup scoring. This application allowed them to rank prospective companies based on various factors and gain a comprehensive view of their entire funnel, from application to conversion and graduation. Airtable facilitated customer communications, enabled survey creation for gathering insights, and provided a centralized workspace for the team's operations.


With Airtable's implementation, the startups team experienced a significant 233% increase in referrals from partnerships. They saw a shift in the percentage of startups coming in from VC partnerships, rising from 15% to over 50%. Moreover, startups from these channels were twice as likely to be approved and three times more valuable upon graduation. Airtable's agility allowed the team to iterate quickly, saving time and resources. The success prompted leadership to expand the team's scope, with plans for further growth in the future. Bowery finds fulfillment in using Airtable to track his team's progress and collaboration, reflecting the company's overall development and growth.

A word to our customers

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Turkcell Success Small
Getir Success Small
Fawry Success Small
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Extra Success
Excellent partner! Omtera implemented Mixpanel end to end, conducted hands-on development sessions with our team, held daily calls to oversee the implementation ensuring all issues were addressed. Omtera's team is highly technical, collaborates seamlessly with our development team, systematically resolving any issues. They're consistently responsive, focused on achieving the outcomes we expect even when we exceeded our original scope, they maintained a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Lobna Tarek
Turkcell Success
I had the pleasure of working with Omtera as our Mixpanel partner, and I have to say, they were outstanding. Their expertise in Mixpanel and data analytics is second to none, and they consistently provided us with valuable insights and recommendations to improve our product. Their team is highly professional, reliable, and always available to answer any questions we had.
Sema Uğur
Getir Success
I highly recommend Omtera to anyone seeking to work in product and data analytics. They possess a high level of professionalism and are always willing to go above and beyond.
Ceren Tabakoglu
Fawry Success
Having Omtera was really great for both technical and commercial part for our projects.
Heba Fekry
Trendyol Success
It was a wonderful experience working with Omtera! They made all the processes smooth and professional for us.
Taner Yılmaz
Bilyoner Success
Having Omtera in our market has enhanced our experience of utilising Mixpanel to its fullest potential and our utmost benefit. The Omtera team’s availability on the field has provided us with great flexibility. Their prompt approach to addressing our technical or operational needs have enabled us to resolve issues in a much quicker fashion. Since they are aware of the market conditions we operate in, they have a great understanding of the challenges we face and provide us with valuable insights.
Cem Domanic
Sertifier Success
Our experience with Omtera has been outstanding. Their team's deep technical expertise and seamless collaboration with our developers made the implementation process smooth and efficient. Omtera's proactive approach in conducting hands-on development sessions and daily oversight calls ensured all our needs were met promptly. They remained highly responsive and adaptable, even as our project scope expanded, consistently focusing on our satisfaction.
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